Main God : Sri Athmanathaswamy (Lord Siva)
Main Goddess : Sri Yogambigai (Goddess Shakthi)
Sri Athmanathaswamy temple is unique in nature. There is no idol or image or statue on the main shrine. It is believed that Lord Siva is emerged in formless form in this temple. The Shakthi Peedam is also formless.
Lord Siva emerged as Guru in human form and taught Gnana to saint Manickavachakar. It is also believed that this temple was constructed by Saint Manickavachakar - the author of the eighth Thirumurai, the famous Thiruvachakam - in early Pandavas style.
The architecture and sculptures in this wonderful temple is breath-taking. It is worth to note, watch and study the sculptures of Veerabatra, Urthuvamoorthy, Narasimha moorthy, Kali, Maravan, Village girl and of-course the world famous Granite Kodungai. Those who are interested in architecture, will have a wonderful time for their studies, if they visit this temple.
Sri Prasanna Varadharajar Temple -Aminjikarai- chennai
The Moolavar of this temple is Sri Prasanna Varadharajar who is giving his seva in Nindra thirukkolam facing his thirumugham along East direction.
Along the Pragharams (sides) of the Moolavar Sannadhi, idols of all Alwars and Aacharyas are found. The perumal is also named as "Sri Varadharajan, Sri Devarajan and Arulalan. The Utsavar is Perarulalan and all kinds of utsavams are done.
The Thaayar of this temple is Sri Perundevi Thaayar who has her own separate sannadhi. Here Manjal (Turmeric) is given as the "Prasadham" to the Bhaktas.
About the temple:
In the front, we can see a huge vimaanam (Gopuram) which is found in 5 Nilais (Partitions), where lots of Architectural works are found in a beautiful manner.
As we enter the Gopuram Vaasal, we can see the Dwajasthambam (Kodi Maram) which is raised to a big extent. To the Right of Kodimaram, Sannadhi for Ramathoodan, Aanjaneyar Sannadhi is found. After worshipping if we go further, we can reach the Sri Krishnar sannadhi, where the perumal is found along with the flute and giving his seva in Nindra thirukkolam.
As we move on furhter, a mandapam with lots of pillars are found. On these walls, Thiruppavai is carved on the white Marble stones. To the end of this Mandapam, the thaayar sannadhi is found and after getting her seva, are going around the temple, we can see the sannadhi of Sri Andal. During 30 days in Maargazhi month, special poojas and thiruppavai are said in this sannadhi.
Going further from Andal sannadhi, we can reach "Sri Srinivasar sannadhi" where both Sri Srinivasar Moolavar and Utsava Murthi are found.
After getting the seva of Sri Srinivasar, one has to go further towards right hand side to see "Sri Ranganathar sannadhi". Next to Sri Ranganathar sannadhi, a special room, the Kannaadi Arai is found. During Utsavams, the Utsavar are taken to this Kannadhi Arai and the seva is so beautiful that one can see the perumal in various angles.

Next to the Kannadi Arai, is a sannadhi for "Sri Kodhanda Ramar" is found. He is found along with Seethapiratti and Lakshmanar. To the straight opposite of Ramar Sannadhi, Aanjaneyar sannadhi can be seen.
சேங்காலிபுரம் கோவில் 6
மேலும் ஸ்ரீ ருக்மிணி சதயபாமா சமேத ஸ்ரீ ராஜகோபால சுவாமி மிகவும் வரப்பிரசாதியாக விளங்கி வருகிறார். பல ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு நடந்து வந்த பிரம்மோஸ்ச்வம் ஸ்ரீ ராம மூர்த்தி அய்யர் த்வஜஸ்தம்பம் பிரதிஷ்டை செய்தும் ஸ்ரீ கல்யாண ராம பட்டாச்சாரியார் , ஸ்ரீ ராஜகோபல பட்டாச்சாரியார் முயற்சியால் மாசி மாதம் திருவோணத்துடன் மிகவும் சிறப்பாக நடந்து வருகிறது.
சேங்காலிபுரம் கோவில் 5
இரவில் எல்லோருக்கும் இதற்கு மேல் என்னை தோண்டி பார்க்க வேண்டாம் என்று கனவு வந்தது. ஆதலால் அப்படியே வைத்து ஆலயம் கட்டினார்கள். இந்த வரலாறானது சுமார் ௨0 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் சேங்காலிபுரம் ஸ்ரீ அனந்த ராம தீக்ஷதர் அவர்களுடைய பெரிய தந்தை ஸ்ரீ சுவாமிநாத தீக்ஷதர் , இப்பொழுது உள்ள ஸ்ரீ கல்யாண ராம பட்டசார்யாரின் தந்தை ஸ்ரீ பாலகிருஷ்ண பட்டசார்யாரிடம் நேரில் கூறினார். சுமார் 400 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னாள் இது நடந்ததாகவும் அவர் சொன்னதாகவும் பட்டாச்சாரியார் கையால் எழுதப்பட்டுள்ளது.
சேங்காலிபுரம் கோவில் 4
பிறகு துவாபரயுகம் முடியும் தருணம் இவ்வாலயம் , ஸ்ரீ சுவாமி எல்லாம் பிரளயம் ஏற்பட்டு மண்ணால் மூடப்பட்டுவிட்டது. பிறகு அந்த மண்மேட்டில் சப்பாத்தி செடிகள் முளைத்து இருந்தது....
சேங்காலிபுரம் கோவில் 3
த்ரேதா யுகத்தில் தசரத மன்னனுக்கு மூன்று மனைவியை அடைந்தும் மக்கட்பேரு இல்லாத போது வசிஷ்டர் முதலிய முனிவர்களால் சொல்லிய படி திருசேறைக்கும் , திருக்கண்ணபுரத்திற்கும் , கிழக்கு சமுத்திரம் உள்ள மேற்கு திசையில் சுமார் ௨0 கி.மீ தூரத்தில் உள்ள இந்த ஸ்ரீ பரிமள ரெங்கநாத பெருமாளையும் சுமார் ஒரு வருட காலம் சேவித்து வந்தார். அப்பொழுதும் அவருக்கு பெருமாள் அருள் கிடைக்கவில்லை என்று வருத்தத்துடன் அயோத்யை திரும்புவதற்காக புறப்படும் முன் இரு தாயார்களை பார்த்து கை கூப்பும் சமயம் இரு தாயாரும் வா என்று அழைத்தார்கள் . ஸ்ரீ பெருமாளும் ஒரு கையால் தலையை ஏந்தி மன்னனை பார்த்து அஸ்வமேத யாகம் செய் நானே குழந்தையாக அவதாரம் செய்கிறேன் என்று சொன்னார். இன்றும் நாம் இந்த பெருமாளை சேவிக்கலாம்.
சேங்காலிபுரம் கோவில்2
ப்ருது என்னும் மன்னன் ஸ்ரீ ரெங்கநாதரை குறித்து தவம் செய்தார் . அவர் முன் காட்சி கொடுத்த நிலையிலேயே இன்றும் ஸ்ரீ ரெங்கநாத பெருமாள் ஆதி சேஷனை படுக்கையாக கொண்டு எழுந்தரூளியுள்ளார். தலை பாகத்தில் ஸ்ரீ தேவியும், கால் பாகத்தில் ஸ்ரீ பூமி தேவியும் அமர்ந்த கோலத்தில் முழு உருவாய் சேவை சாதிக்கின்றனர்.
sholingar- Lakshmi Narasimha Perumal
This divya desam, also known as Sholingar, is situated in Madras-Bangalore Rail line. Easy way is to take brindaavan from Madras to Arakonam Junction and take Bus from there. Sholingar Railway station is 9 miles from the temple. One can take a direct bus from Madras as well. It has some moderate facilities including a big Kalyana Mandapam for organized group tours, a chattram for over night stay and several "Mess" facilities. This divya desam is also known as kadikaachalam.
It is believed that if one stays at this kshethram for atleast one kadigai (about half an hour), that person is gaurenteed mokshama. This is the only divya desam dedicated to Sri Narasimhar in Tamil Nadu. This divya desam is visited by many seeking His blessigns. He is teacher to His bhaktas who seek the removal of ignorance and a doctor to those who seek cure for various health problems.![]() Sri Amirtha Valli thaayaar | ![]() Sri Yoga Narasimhar |
Sri vishnu purraanam and paathma puraanam offers details about this sthalam. It is believed that Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar came to this palce after hiranya vatham and stayed here for ever in this Yoga sayanam posture. It is well kown that Srinarasimha avathaaram took place at Sri Ahobilam. However, since munivars requested the presence of Sri Narasimha here on an endless timescale, The Lord Narasimha chose to stay here for ever. This is also confirmed by thirumangai aazhwaar's reference to thakkkaanai in his paasuram presented in this article. Among all the other avathaarams this and the vaamana avathaaram are the most significant becuase of the fact that they both accomplished the misssion instantly. Many of the LAkshmi Narasimha bakthaas believe that by praying to this Lord (who is an instant acccomplisher), their prayers are fulfilled instantly if not atleast an instant relief is offered without delay by this Lord.
It is a belief that, One, would attain Moksham simply by staying here for one Kadigai (period of time) ie approximately half hour in this shekthram. Hence it is named Thiruk kadigai. It is believed that Saint Vishvaamitrar meditated for one kadigai on Lord Narasimhar and obtained his title Bramha Maharishi here. The Saptha Rishis and vaamathEvar came to this place and and started penance to have darshan of Narasimha Avathaaram, and the Lord fulfilled their wish within one kadigai of penance. Hence this hill is known as Kadikaachalam.
Sage Durvaasa once sought the thiruth thuzhaay maalai (ie thulasi garland) of this perumal and danced with great joy by sporting this maalai on his own shoulder and and sirasu. There were many saadhus present at that time and were witnessing this event. Buthan or mercury one of the Nava grahams was also present in the form of a saadhu and he laughed at this sage's act. Sage Thurvaasa cursed him and lord budhan had to stay here in this sthalam and served all those sages who came with great pleasure to this shrine after taking bath in the paandava theerththam and got his curse (spell) cured or removed.
On the way to hills Garuda Aaaroodar Varadha Raaja perumal sannithi is there. It is believed that Kaanchi Varadhar offered Garuda Vaahana Sevai to Maha Achaaryar known as Thottaachaaryar here. (as he was not able to goto Kanchi that year and instead did meditate on this Lord to offer that darshn there itself). Even to-day this event is observed in Kaanchi and simulatneously here as a puase is kept at the entrance of this temple during the bramotsavam and garuda sErvai such that the Lord goes to kadigai for that instant to offer sEvai to thottaach chaaryaa. Similarly erumbiyapa was also one of the great mahaans lived in this place and served the Lord. This place is also used to be very fertile like chola naadu and was hence called as Chola Simha puram which became sholinga puram later. In pattinap paalai, it is refeerred that, Cholan karikaalan peruvaLaththaan called this district as kadigaik kOttam; when he subdivided his kingdom into 48 distritcs. This place is also one of the 74 simhaasanam established by Sri Raamaanuja in his 74 simhhaasanaas outlining the principles of Sri vishitaahthvaitham.
Similar to Gunaseelam near Trichy, this place is also known for relief from possessing, Billi Sooniyam, etc. People come here and do Vratham for many days, take bath in Thakkaan kulam which is believed to have the essence of many Mooligais and climb the hills every day to pray anchaneYaa and Lord Narasimhar and get their Pini or Diseases or Theeraatha nOykaL cured here.
This place is also known for the presence of many Siththars similar to Thiruvannaamalai, Kollimalai, and Kutraalamalai. It is believed that the administration of this temple is under the Aatheenam of Sthala aachaarya purushaals of Thottaachaaryar clan.
This malai or hill is also known as Ekasilaa parvatham meaning that the entire hill is made of one stone, which is true and one can see that when they visit this shrine. There are unique methods or procedures attributed to each of the 108 sthalam as vazhipaatu niyamanam. At thiruppathi having the hair shaved and having a supra paatha darshanam are the best, in oppiliappan koil observing sravana vratham (without salt) on sravanms is the ideal. In this temple, it is the desire of the Lord that his bakthas climb the steep footsteps (which are similar to the parama patha Sobaanam) and pray the Lord.
SreeKooram Aadhikesava Perumal
SreeKooram, an ancient temple near Kancheepuram, is so named after one of the chief disciple of Sri Ramanjunar, Sri Koorathaalwar. The main deity here is Aadhikesava Perumal but this temple is famous for the aalwar. This temple stands as an example for the aalwar's pure devotion to his guru Ramanujar.
During ancient times when there arouse conflicts between saivism and vaishnavism, the Chola king wished Saivism should rule the world. So he decided to propagate his religion throughout the southern region. Ramanujar was a Veera Vaishnavar. So the king decided to get rid of Ramanujar. Koorathaalwar heard this and he disguised himself as Ramanujar and went to the palace where the king decided to pluck his eyes since he was not ready to give up vaishnavism and accept saivism.
Koorathaalwar himself plucked his eyes for his guru before the king could do so. Ramanujar and others heard this news and started praying to Vishnu to get back the aalwar's eyes. Lord Vishnu gave back aalwar's eyes in this place, which was converted to temple later. Till date, people believe that the God and the Aalwar together can cure any sort of eye problems.
Koorathaalwar was born during the tamil month Thai, with star Hastham. So every year, utsavams are conducted during his birthday. Adding to the color, 2009 happens to be the beginning of 1000th birth year of the aalwar, which the temple management have decided to celebrate in a very grand manner.
Main Deity : Aadhikesava Perumal
Thaayaar : Pankajavalli Thaayaar
Temple Location : Very near to Kancheepuram on Kancheepuram-Arakkonam Road. Buses available from Kancheepuram and Arakkonam.