The main deity is 3m (9 ft) tall and is called "Sri Lakshmi Adi Varaha". He is also known as "Sri Nritya Kalyana Perumal'. The Lord holds a conch in his upraised right hand and the disc in his left. The name of the Goddess is "Akhilavalli Ammal". The Goddess is seated over the left thigh of Lord Vishnu in his Varaha aspect, His left hand encircling Her waist, while Her feet are held in His lower right hand palm. Only the right leg of Varahaswami is touching the floor.
The deity is decorated with a garland formed of 108 saligrams around the neck. The legend goes that one Hariseka Maharaj, the ruling chief of Mahabalipuram, possessed this garland originally. He was a great devotee of Adi Varahaswami and it was his daily routine to visit the temple and pay homage. When he became old and was physically unable to move, he presented the garland to the presiding deity.
There are four Utsavamurtis (processional deities), namely, Nitya - kalyanaswami, Kottukar, Palpo Perumal and Spathanaperam. On festive occasions the processional deities are taken around the temple.
Once upon a time there lived a sage named Kalava at Tiruvadantai. He had 360 daughters. Tiruvadantai was a great city in those days and had 360 Agraharam (streets where Brahmins lived). As the sage was greatly honoured and respected, one daughter was taken up by each of the 360 streets to be respectfully maintained and looked after. Time rolled on. In due course, when the girls came of age it became a great anxiety for the sage how to get them married suitably. Praying fervently, the sage resigned himself to God.

On the second day, Vishnu again took the form of another Brahmachari and proposed marriage with the second daughter in the second Agraharam and married her too. After marriage when the couple visited the local temple they too disappeared. Likewisely, mysteriously, a new Brahmachari used to be performed with one of Kalava Maehashi's 360 daughters. And when the newly married couples visited the Varahaswami temple, they just vanished.
When all the 360 girls vanished in this manner, the episode reached Maharshi Kalava. He was bewildered and agitated and wanted to know from God Himself the whereabouts of his daughters and sons-in-law.

The sage was greatly elated that Goddess Lakshmi considered him fit enough to be her father. As the marriage episode continued day after day for the 360 days of the year, the presiding deity was fondly named "Nityakalyanaswami" (Nitya means daily, Kalyana means marriage). Gradually the place gained in importance.
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